Route 30/Wellesley Street Intersection Improvements, Weston

Town of Weston
Weston, Massachusetts

Route 30, running parallel to I-90, is an important commuting route. The intersection with Wellesley Street experienced significant congestion and was listed in the Top 5% of High Crash Locations in the Metropolitan Area Planning Council (MAPC) region. HSH advanced the intersection improvements by conducting a Road Safety Audit (RSA) which prioritized the project’s placement on the Massachusetts Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP). 

As a scenic roadway, Wellesley Street is protected by a set of Town By-Laws to maintain its scenic beauty, aesthetic value, and historic significance. Collaboration with the Town’s Planning Board and Department of Public Works (DPW) resulted in realigning Wellesley Street to retain a 250 foot section of historic stone wall. HSH designed traffic and safety improvements for the intersection, completing the 75%, 100%, and plans, specifications, and estimates (PS&E) design submittals through the Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) and assisting with advertisement, contractors questions during bidding, and recommending a contractor. Included in our services was the design and implementation of best management practices (BMPs) for sedimentation and erosion control. HSH maintained an active role throughout construction, which ensured any issues or questions that arose were resolved promptly.